Unearthing over 1 million porn video “hidden” on Instagram using arabic hashtags

More than 1 million Pornographic videos are currently on instagram, because they are  “hidden” under arabic hashtags. This topic might sound a little too familiar to you, since just 2 months ago,  many porn videos were found hidden on youtube using the “hangarian” language. 

mia khalifa porn instagram

  For those who may be new to my journey, I’m “Jad Ismail”. My story extends beyond hacking on tv three years ago. Join me in this article as I unveil the findings of my investigation into the hidden world of porn videos on Instagram.

Over 1 million porn video hidden on Instagram:

YouTube and Instagram clearly state in their guidelines that pornographic materials are prohibited on their platforms. Both social networks have dedicated teams that review flagged materials. Additionally, Instagram has banned specific English explicit hashtags from appearing in search results.

Yet users seem to find a way around the policy, by using non English terms or hashtags. I came across this discovery by searching for the hashtag “افلام” which means movies in Arabic.

Of course, the length of the movies is limited on instagram, but not their effect on the young generation. By now many kids and teens have probably seen porn on Instagram . Even pornographic websites have  a warning page that tells visitors that the site has explicit content.

An Innocent Search Using Arabic hashtags

I didn’t anticipate finding porn on Instagram. However, while I was searching for Instagram posts tagged with the Arabic word for ‘film.’ I discovered hardcore porn videos hidden behind this seemingly innocent hashtag.

Yet users seem to find a way around the policy, by using non english terms or hashtags. I came across this discovery by searching for the hashtag “افلام” which means movies in arabic.

The duration of movies on Instagram may be limited, but their impact on the younger generation is not. Many kids and teens may have encountered these materials by now. Even pornographic websites have warning pages informing visitors that the content is not suitable for underage individuals. What happens when kids accidentally come across these videos? Would you allow your kids to use Instagram without 24/7 supervision?


2016 Video Version Of The Article

I delved into the problem a year later. Testing simple Arabic hashtags, I found that Instagram had responded by blocking basic ones. Users, however, adapted by employing excessively long hashtags for posting and searching explicit content. Which led to me doing the video below :

Global coverage of this article

This video gained substantial attention and managed to capture the interest of the British tabloid newspaper, the Daily Star.

Following the Daily Star’s coverage, the story was picked up by various other media outlets, and it quickly went viral. The article was a huge press coverage ending up in over 55+ publications including.

In response to the public outcry, Instagram blocked some hashtags and removed some of the explicit content.

Update 2023:Porn Is A Persistent Problem On Instagram

I searched for the Arabic word for ‘sexy,’ both with an underscore and without it. To my surprise, the results included pornographic videos once again, without sensitive content warnings. This indicates that the trend of “instagram porn accounts ” is not likelty to fade out soon.


Brief Description of UltGate:

Welcome to UltGate, a unique blog established in 2011 by Jed Ismael. Here, we blend technology with life’s nuances, offering practical ADHD tips, tech tutorials, and fitness advice. Our goal is to simplify complex concepts and empower you in your digital and personal journey.

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